Friday, May 27, 2011

The first rule of skating mini-ramp at 35 is you don't talk about skating mini-ramp at 35

The past few days I've been learning how to work within the Model View Controller and Dependency Injection mixture of stuff my very bright team-mates have concocted over the past year while I've been busy serving as the local mad-doctor of Team Foundation Server. It was awkward at first but I'm getting it. Meanwhile at night I've been engaging in a masochistic carnival of mayhem - code name 'rolling thunder' - which basically involves rolling my fat ass around on a skateboard - more specifically on a skateboard on a mini-ramp. It is a painful humiliating experience which is also fun as hell and I can't get enough of it. Go figure. If nothing else it breaks up the monotony of refactoring code all day long.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Microsoft Team Build, MS Deploy and Web Deploy


The application has been written to take advantage of the "configSource" attribute and has broken up a large web.config file into many smaller config files. This is great, but presents a problem if you want to use MSDeploy's cool new web config transform mechanism. It will not work on the content of files referenced through configSource.


Attach a pre-build event to the csproj file that calls a powershell script included in the project that will merge the contents of the external config files back into the main web.config file prior to the publish and transform operation taking place. Use a conditional statement to control which configurations require the script to be executed so that only your Team Build deploy configurations are affected.

I'll post some more details and code snippets as soon as I get a chance.

Friday, April 20, 2007

World System

We're thinking about the computer metaphor of mind: